Veis está«afoto» mía?
Pues los engines de las redes sociales, la ven así…
FACE 1: # Emotional analysis: Anger: very unlikely Joy: likely Sorrow: very unlikely Surprise: very unlikely # Other: Headwear: very unlikely # Face structure analysis: Pan Angle: 19.968534 Roll Angle: 11.931297 Tilt Angle: 1.029054 Face elements coordinates: Left eye: x = 339.59, y = 488.53, z = 0.0 Right eye: x = 424.76, y = 507.03, z = 32.05 Left of left eyebrow: x = 310.31, y = 459.92, z = -2.46 Right of right eyebrow: x = 373.11, y = 472.5, z = -9.15 Left of right eyebrow: x = 415.62, y = 483.88, z = 7.07 Right of right eyebrow: x = 460.11, y = 492.64, z = 53.19 Midpoint between eyes: x = 393.37, y = 499.38, z = -2.76 Nose tip: x = 389.17, y = 553.86, z = -30.65 Upper lip: x = 374.17, y = 588.71, z = -9.75 Lower lip: x = 364.71, y = 619.1, z = -3.62 Mouth left: x = 324.19, y = 590.49, z = 2.06 Mouth right: x = 397.87, y = 607.25, z = 27.94 Mouth center: x = 368.91, y = 602.23, z = -3.13 Nose bottom right: x = 399.75, y = 564.36, z = 13.76 Nose bottom left: x = 351.65, y = 553.83, z = -4.57 Nose bottom center: x = 378.03, y = 567.9, z = -9.72 Left eye top boundary: x = 342.35, y = 482.97, z = -6.19 Left eye right corner: x = 357.56, y = 493.85, z = 6.94 Left eye bottom boundary: x = 337.96, y = 494.55, z = -1.02 Left eye left corner: x = 317.87, y = 485.1, z = 1.64 Left eye pupil: x = 338.18, y = 489.0, z = -2.94 Right eye top boundary: x = 431.91, y = 502.51, z = 27.11 Right eye right corner: x = 442.97, y = 512.24, z = 48.1 Right eye bottom boundary: x = 426.13, y = 513.74, z = 32.08 Right eye left corner: x = 409.07, y = 505.88, z = 26.63 Right eye pupil: x = 430.16, y = 509.11, z = 31.15 Left eyebrow upper midpoint: x = 346.1, y = 454.79, z = -11.79 Right eyebrow upper midpoint: x = 443.35, y = 476.07, z = 24.32 Left ear tragus: x = 231.25, y = 517.43, z = 90.97 Right ear tragus: x = 434.87, y = 562.11, z = 166.9 Forehead glabella: x = 396.46, y = 476.36, z = -4.52 Chin gnation: x = 350.79, y = 662.05, z = 8.68 Chin left gonion: x = 241.47, y = 582.82, z = 56.18 Left of left eyebrow: x = 425.46, y = 622.91, z = 124.59 Maxillofacial harmony: 7.537657 # Detection quality statistics: Detection confidence: 96.32% Landmarking confidence: 32.79% Blurred likelihood: very unlikely Underexposed likelihood: very unlikely
Con lo que ahora ya sabréis porque os reconocen fácilmente entre fotos y sus localizan perfectamente.
Tened miedo, mucho miedo…